Monday, 3 March 2008

Let's give this blogging malarkey a bash eh?

So... This is it... The first page of my blog... What do I write? Well, a little about my life I work, I live, and I'm happily chugging along, what more to say? Oh yeah, the missus is due to explode with a baby in 4 more weeks, and in between the scowls and uncontrollable grunts, I still get the feeling she loves me!

Right now her and my flatmate are deliberately poking at my offspring through the thin skin of a stretched belly. I know this is likely to give my offspring an irrational hatred of being trapped under feather down duvets, but I think this type of thing is character forming for the blighter!

So boy, girl or (rather more frighteningly) other? Who know's? I can see something on the scans that makes me think it is a boy - if it is however, I'm sticking firmly to the argument that it doesn't get {insert male character flaw here} from my side of the family.

I have to admit that I do get slightly jealous of other people touching the bump when I'm in the room, but I suppose I better be a man about it and suck it up! There won't be any tears from me - at least not until that terrible moment at birth when the missus grips my hand and stares me straight in the face with that look from the exorcist that says "I'm dying and we both know I'm going to take you with me".

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